Today will be my fourth time to celebrate Good Friday after I was baptised on 19 April 2006. when I was young, I never thought of going to church, celebrate Good Friday or whatever celebration related to Christianity. But then, unexpected thing happen in my life. When I studied in secondary school. I met a friend, who is a RC. I still could remember the moment I accepted the invitation from God. My good friend asked me to follow him to go to church with his family. The mass was at night, and I still could remember the place that I have sat. I was just like an Alien who didn't know anything. What to say? What to do? And how to act during the mass. Well, that is the moment I started to know Him--Jesus. I started to go for bible class to prepare myself for baptism. Till today, I really feel blessed and thank God for everything He arranged for me. Of course, I will like to thank especially to the one that ask me to go to church. All the things that I mentioned is a truth. This afternoon there was a heavy rain that nearly affect me from going to church. But then, the rain stop for a while, then I managed to cycle to the bus stop. After that, rain started again. But it is okay, because I am in safe zone already. Celebration of Good Friday here have not much difference than that in Sibu. The only difference is the number of people who attend the mass. In Sibu, when came to Good Friday, all the churches will be crowded and extra seats are needed. Here, it is the otherwise. I dont know why. To conclude, I feel glad to be a RC. I never regret for the decision that I make. I think that everything happens to me, there is a reason..........that is..........FOLLOW HIM. Have a blessed Good Friday. God Bless!
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1 year ago
looks like mine d hahaha..
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